Longwy : a synonimous word of enamels
The Manufacture of Longwy was created in 1798, for a production of classical earthenware as there were many at that time throughout Europe and especially in the East of France as Lunéville, Sarreguemines, Saint Clement ...
The famous enamels will complement the production of earthenware from around 1872 which will mark the beginning of the golden age of the pottery Longwy.
This late nineteenth century will mark the arrival of artistic runners such as Impressionism or Art Nouveau but also a wealth in the evolution and research at Longwy, different techniques of ceramics such as Majolica, Barbotine, Great Fire, Flame, Brocatelle ... which are often unknown to most lovers or lovers of Old Longwy.
Nowadays it is very difficult to navigate the current productions of existing potters, brands, fake and copies and obviously all that is the richness of the past of Longovan ceramics.
I wish you a beautiful discovery of the extraordinary history of ancient earthenware and enamels by Longwy and as said Napoleon "What I seek above all, it is the greatness: what is big is always beautiful."
Fabien Hubert LECLERCQ
- Expert approved by the C.E.A. & C.E.D.E.A.
- President of the Association of Friends of the Longwy Museum
For pleasure and Emaux'tions