(1816 - 1835) Longwy earthenware to success with Boch de Nothomb - Earthenware & Enamels of Longwy

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(1816 - 1835) Longwy earthenware to success with Boch de Nothomb
A result of the cessation of activity, Charles Regnier sells the factory in favor of Jean Antoine de Nothomb, husband of Marie Catherine Boch, daughter of Pierre Jospeh Boch, owner of the pottery of Audun-le-Tiche and Septfontaines.

The company perpetuates the production of fine earthenware in the spirit of the previous period, but it seems that the common faience red paste is then abandoned. The products offered to customers are better known, since we have documents presenting the choice of objects offered for sale. The range is very diverse: besides tableware, water pots and other bowls neighbor with punch bowls, clock dials, coffeemakers, crucifixes, writing desks, mustards, fruit baskets ...

The manufactory which develops Jean-Antoine de Nothomb then obtains several medals. Around 1828, Factory adopted the so-called "blanc fin" technique, which corresponds to the application of an opaque glaze of white color, allowing the execution of certain small relief decorations.

In 1826, the factoryy employed 73 workers in workshops divided between turners, modelers, painters, loaders and enamellers.
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