Expertise by Fabien Hubert LECLERCQ

I am approved expert in Earthenware and Enamels of Longwy by the C.E.A. & C.E.D.E.A.
-Compagnie d'expertise en Antiquités, Objets d'Art et Œuvres contemporaines ( C.E.A. )
Company of Expertise in Antiques, Objects of Art and Contemporary Works
-Confédération Européenne des Experts d'Art ( C.E.D.E.A. )
European Confederacy of the Experts of Art

For any request for expertise quote, please send me a request with the Contact form
See the possible solutions: :
- You want an authentication and therefore know if your object is a real Longw
- You want an expertise, this one will include in a precise way: the dimension, the period, the form, the number decor (under reserve), the mark, the artist (under reserve), the booster (under reserve), the technique , the name of the factory, the current rating on the date of the appraisal.
You are a sales room and you want a complete expertise of the sale.
- You are a fair or fair flea market, antique, collectors exchange and you want to have certification.
There ar two periods when it comes to the expertise of Longwy
1) The periode from 1798 to 1977 or existed a only factory
2) The post-1977 period, with several productions ranging from rare handcrafts to simple workshops.
My ethic as an expert is to give you a moral and financial value to your object in Earthanware or Enamels of Longwy.
It should be known that there is no Protected Geographical Indication in Longwy and no charter wich could give a label on the production except those which some will define for themselves.
Today people are taking advantage of this vacuum to :
- to say that they produce Longwy by financial arrangements and a subcontracting of which we do not know the place of factory,
- be deceptive designations that make it appear that they are from a historical past that does not belong to them or affiliations to the Chamber of Trades and Crafts or Tourist Office of which they are not adherents.
- the mixing of periods by displaying on their stand old pieces and their production which often is not worthy to represent the Art and the Finesse of the Longwy production.
You must be vigilant ( check the references of the seller ) on a purchase of a Longwy work that my expertise will have a moral value first to define its financial value.