Privat museum Saint-Jean l'Aigle in Herserange - Earthenware & Enamels of Longwy

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Privat museum Saint-Jean l'Aigle in Herserange
The Castle is home to a factory and a museum that presents masterpieces of faience from the 18th to the 20th century, as well as modern ceramics by famous artists such as Cocteau and Picasso. A unique set of 300 pieces of antique and modern enamels, signed Gallé, Majorelle, Rodin, Schuller (and his "cockatoo"), Mucha.

A few masterpieces lumber evidenced. The "Japanese nave", creation of Ferdinand Gaidan and the princely vase "Virtuous flowers", presented at the 1867 World Fair, are worth the trip.

We find there both masterpieces out of earthenware of the eighteenth and twentieth centuries as modern ceramics by contemporary artists. The art gallery exhibits works by the sculptor, and director of the museum, Jacques G. Peiffer. These works are contemporary, made of earth and steel. The 19th century castle which houses the museum includes a fireplace dedicated to the God Bacchus.

You will have the privilege of visiting with Maestro of those places that has written books on the Old Longwy earthenware.
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